The story of the Baudelaire children

The story of the Baudelaire children

By Allie

Today at 12:03 two children were playing in their backyard when suddenly they heard click clack, click clack, clickety clack. They were both so scared and were unsure of what the noise was, curious they slowly crept towards the screen door and… it was just their cat Molly running around on the floorboards.

“Zoey where are you?” Tom called out; they were playing a very intense game of Hide and Seek. “ Ahah!” Tom yelled as he opened the door to the greenhouse, it was one of Zoey’s favourite hiding spot’s but oddly she wasn’t there. Tom pulled out his Phone and called Zoey, but the weirdest thing about it all was she didn’t answer. Afraid Tom crept around in the Baudelaire Mansion hunting for Zoey. Tom had no luck; Zoey was nowhere to be found.

As Tom was wondering where Zoey was one of the butler’s named James approached Tom and said to him “ Young master Tom where is your cute little sister Zoey”, “Um actually I’m not sure; as well she’s only 8 minutes younger than me, have you seen her anywhere Mr James?”

“No little Tommy I indeed have not seen Zoey anywhere. Why? Should I have seen her? Is she missing?!”

“Actually yes, sadly she is missing and is nowhere to be found I have been investigating all day but have very little evidence to make a conclusion”.

Then Tom started crying because he loved his sister Zoey and missed her a lot. When Tom sat down for lunch he saw his 3 year old sister Sunny who just loves biting objects. Tom always talked to Sunny at lunchtime because they didn’t see each other for most of the day because Sunny went to childcare in her very own home, upstairs, and Tom wasn’t allowed to be there.

So as they chatted away little Sunny brought up the topic of Zoey’s whereabouts and strangely Sunny new everything about Zoey’s disappearance. Tom was shocked, he asked Sunny how she knew and she replied with a shrug of the shoulders, like she had no idea when she really did; she was very advanced for a 3 year old. After their gourmet full buffet lunch they both continued to chat about Zoey and her mysterious disappearance.

Later that night when Sunny was fast asleep Tom was preparing for when he went to bed at 9:00, when he heard footsteps outside his bedroom door, so Tom decided to get up and take a look at the noise. When he got to the door he found nothing in the hallway. As he was walking back to his room he saw out the corner of his eye the window wide open and the curtain blowing wildly. Which was weird because it was closed when he went to bed and no one was upstairs and it had only been 2 minutes. Tom was scared of what was occurring at his home because first Zoey disappeared then he heard strange noises but no one was there and he was just so scared and confused.

The next morning Tom woke up and was happy to start the weekend, why was Tom happy you may be wondering well that I can not tell because I do not know that information myself, but what I do know is that Tom was given DRUGS! To make him forget what happened with Zoey. You maybe be wondering who did that well that’s what little Sunny was about to discover.

As Sunny woke up it struck her maybe she’s dead she thought inside her head. Sunny could feel that Zoey was dead but she was not sure. Sunny spoke to Tom and told him what she thought; Sunny said that she might be somewhere in the house and asked Tom to follow her to find Zoey.

As they were walking around Sunny suddenly stopped dead in her tacks and sharply turned towards the closet and said to Tom “ she’s in here I know it”, “okay” Tom replied. When they opened the door they jumped back in shock at what they saw. It was………

THE END! hope you enjoyed reading my story. Remember to keep updated with my blog.


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