July 2016 archive

Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset

What is Growth/Fixed Mindset?

Growth Mindset is all about positive ways of learning and trying your best even when things get tough. Fixed Mindset is the opposite, things like bad attitude towards learning, comparison in a bad way and all those types of things.

Some examples of Fixed Mindset are: say if you were doing maths and you were struggling to get the right answer and you were saying things like “Oh, I’m never gonna get this right” and ” Everyone else is getting it right, why not me?”. Well those are all examples of Fixed Mindset and what not to do.

When should you use a Growth Mindset?

You should use a Growth Mindset when learning to ensure a positive outcome for you and your teacher. Other times you should use a Growth Mindset is when there is a really bad situation you should use a Growth Mindset to work things out and help others solve the problem.

How does a having a Growth Mindset benefit you?

It benefits you in many ways because having a Growth Mindset means being open to new and exciting things which help you learn and grow as a person.

Inconclusion you should always have a Growth Mindset!